Ecliptical Realms - F.E.A.R.
SCMD Command to Change Frag Total

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Subject : SCMD Command to Change Frag Total
Posted : 2006-10-18 10:44 AM
Post #9870

If you're running a client hosted server from your PC you can change scores settings in game easily by hitting escape and going to host options.

If you're playing on a stand alone dedicated server you can't do this although it's possible to use the SCMD Command tool to change the Frag Total without having to change the server configuration file and restart the server.

Let's say the Frag Total is currently set to 100 (good for a 2vs2) but you need it set to 300 (good for a 6vs6).

First you login to SCMD. In this example the SCMD Commnad function is set to ON in the server configuration file and the password = arramus.

Bring up the in game chat console and type scmd login arramus followed by the Enter key and you'll log in as follows.

Now bring up the game chat console again and type scmd setgameoption 4 300 and hit the Enter key.

We play a few 6vs6 games and 3 players from each team leave so we set it 150 using scmd setoption 4 150.

If you want to allow another player to be server admin then logout using scmd logout arramus