Ecliptical Realms - Halo
Match Submission Picture Tutorial

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Joined: 2005-05-16

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Subject : Match Submission Picture Tutorial
Posted : 2007-05-20 7:15 AM
Post #15449

Here's a picture tutorial on how to submit battle results for Halo Ringweek events.

Go to the Halo main page and select the event you are competing in. Once on the battle page hit the Submit Results link.

This will take you to step 1/3 of a 3 step process. In this area you will see an explanation of what you are about to do along with a submission time, date and user. After reading hit NEXT.

This takes you to step 2/3 of a 3 step process. On this page you will enter the clans that competed and their Match Team #.
3 Chilly Games members won the battle and they are listed as Match Team #1 to reflect the win. 3 Dark Entity members lost the battle and are listed as Match Team #2 to reflect the loss. You can select the clan name and Match Team # using the drop down menu. If you played a mixed clan battle pay careful attention to what Match Team # you give them. It doesn't matter which order you list clans. Just remember Win is #1 and loss is #2.
At the bottom is an area to add battle notes. Some game services require specific details while others are flexible. Some information regarding the map and team sizes are always helpful. Once all has been added hit NEXT.

Now we will complete the final stage 3/3 of a 3 step process. Here you will add the 3 individual player names for each side, 1 for win, 0 for loss, Points, Asst. Points, Kills and Deaths. Adding the player name and Win/Lose result are done using a drop down menu while adding scores are done manually. It doesn't matter which order you list players because it doesn't need to be the best scorer at the top. Please be very careful when submitting scores to make sure they perfectly match your screenshot results. Assist Points in Halo are not applied to the total Points score. The total Points appear to be Kills minus Suicides and Team Kills. Once everything has been added and you are sure it's all correct hit Submit match.

That has completed the match submission process and you will receive confirmation that it has been added and also that you can edit the match within the next 48 hours should the need arise.

If you hit the List Matches link just under the Submit Results link as in the first picture above you'll see your submission added.

And if you click on the hyperlinked match ID number it will display the match results.

If you make a big mistake with the results then you can always edit. Note that only the person who submits the results or a moderator can do this. We'd rather have everyone be able to submit results and there are bound to be mistakes along the way. If you are still lost after reading this tutorial and need help with the submission process you can ask a moderator or an experienced member to take you through it.