Ecliptical Realms - Star Wars: Battlefront 2
Conquest Week 14 sign ups open!

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Joined: 2005-06-16
Location: USA

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Subject : Conquest Week 14 sign ups open!
Posted : 2007-07-30 12:46 PM
Post #18228

Okay there was a mistake made when the event was set up showing that sign ups ended July 28,that has been fixed and clubs may still sign up right up until the beginning of the event.If you are having trouble signing up,please contact me and I will manually add you to the event.

There have also been a few clubs who have contacted me about joining the event who are from countries outside the USA.To make it fair and to allow them to play in a fair gaming enviorment the following rule has been added to the event.

14.Please be aware that if a club outside the USA plays and wants to play then you should obligate them by agreeing to play one match on a USA server and a 2nd match on thier own server to average out the ping differences.This is only fair and will allow for more Euro and other worldwide players to participate more.