Battle Week (BW) – Star Wars Republic Commando
Rules for Bactaweek
1. Registration
a) All Squads/Clans MUST be registered with Ecliptical Realms (ER): http://www.eclipticalrealms.com in order to participate in Republic Commando events.
b) Club Captains must have all participating members registered with ER and affiliated with their Club including the Captain approving themselves.
2. 2. Setup and Coordination of Matches
a) During match setup, when maps, hosts, number of matches, in game species, and competing sides are chosen, players on each team should be announced to help enforce that all players in the match are signed up at Ecliptical Realms and are active on a club.
b) Match Setup and Coordination must be done in:
Ecliptical Realms Forum
Battle Room (http://www.eclipticalrealms.com/chat)
c) Squad/Clan and player membership should be verified prior to each battle event.
d) Clubs must agree on maps, numbers of battles and players before the battle starts and host launches game. If this agreement is made in the Battle Room then it must be saved by members of both clans and shown in cases of dispute.
e) Each team will host one map and must then pass hosting to the opposing team. In the event that one team cannot host, all maps must be hosted by a non participating third party.
f) Players per game can range from 1 verse 1 up to 6 verses 6. No games hosting uneven sides will be permitted/authorized or reported.
g) Host asks if all players are ready to begin. Upon receiving an affirmative answer from all players the host resets the level using a console command. The command is executed as follows:
The host pushes the ~ key to bring up the in–game console and types SWITCHLEVEL (map name) to restart or change the map. Once the map loads the game begins. If any clans have difficulty following this rule then please contact the Republic Commando moderator.
h) Each map result will be reported by the host an individual game played.
i) Host is responsible for taking screenshot of scores and registering results for both teams (sides). All players are encouraged to take their own screenshot of the results of the battle.
j) Host will report battle results of games played. Contact a moderator if you have difficulty submitting results. Results of games are to be reported at: http://www.eclipticalrealms.com/
k) No in-game spectators are permitted at all. X-Fire must be turned off for all competitors to ensure nobody joins by accident.
L) Standard Weapons
DC-17, DC-15 pistol, trando, repeater, shotgun, sniper, bow caster, and thermals.
Any exceptions to this must be agreed upon by both sides in the ER Battle rooms, and should be documented.
M) If during a match a violation of any of these rules occurs, the players must decide upon and agree to a course of action. Screenshots should be taken to document the offence as well as the agreement. However the match should proceed or restarted as agreed to by both clubs. Players should maintain proper respect and senior members of the clubs should attempt work out an acceptable compromise with little disruptions. If this is not possible please contact the event moderators with match number, screenshots, and a list of players for each side as well as a detail description of what occurred.
Player Disconnects During Game Event!!!!
If a player disconnects from the game, it will be the player’s responsibility to reconnect to the game as fast as possible. Even though all points are lost when disconnects occur; players returning will contribute to their team score. If the player does not return this person will still be recorded when game results are submitted, with all Zeros (0s).
Unless the Host Game Crashes, game will continue to the end.
3. Host Setup and Configuration
Hosting will require a good connection to ensure stability. Please take this into account when selecting a host for your club.
Select Maps Page
1. Game type: Team Death Match
2. Selected Maps As agreed during match setup.
Game Settings Page
1. Time Limit: None
2. Score Limit:
1vs1 = 10 2vs2 = 20 3vs3 = 30
4vs4 = 40 5vs5 = 50 6vs6 = 60
3. Max Players: set to number for the match (Max =12)
4. Friendly Fire: On 100%
5. Game Speed: 100%
6. Respawn Delay:
1vs1 = 1 2vs2 = 2 3vs3 = 3
4vs4 = 4 5vs5 = 5 6vs6 = 6
7. Auto-balance Teams: Off
8. Dedicated Server: Set to off unless agreed otherwise.
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