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Halo - Ringweek 1 Results and Awards [25/5/2007]
News Update by: arramus

Halo - Ringweek 1 Results and Awards

9 Clans signed up for this event and the standings are as follows.

Top 5 Clan Ratings:
100.00 - -=DE=- (Only ranked clan)
00.00 - =[CG]= (Unranked 2nd Award)
00.00 - DTS (Unranked 3rd Award)
00.00 - :]LoneR[: (Unranked 4th Award)
00.00 - eX_ (Unranked 5th Award)

Each of these clans is presented with a Ringweek 1 Award that can be accessed within their club page. -=DE=- receive the only official ranked award with the remainder receiving unranked awards.

Top 10 Player Ratings are as follows:
-=DE=-_General Kenobi

Each of these players is presented with a Ringweek 1 Award that can be accessed within their profile.

Ringweek 1 [27/4/2007]
News Update by: arramus

Hey all. We'll be holding our first Halo event in May and it's certainly a case of better late than never. We'll undoubtedly see Halo 2 come to ER in the not too distant future and Halo will get all the budding Master Chiefs out there back up to speed if Xbox wasn't for you.

Here's the run down on Ringweek 1.

Battle description:

Ringweek is a week long Halo battle between signed up clans.

Rankings are divided into Clan and Player rankings. Clans need to have a minimum of 4 active members battle in a combined minimum of 24 games to have clan statistics and rankings applied. Clans unable to field a minimum of 4 active members can still have individual player statistics and rankings applied as long as individual members play a minimum of 6 battles.

All battles are played strictly in accordance with the rules.

The main page for this event is here.

Clan Captains can signup here.

A direct link to the rules is here.

Once the event has begun you can see the Club/Player ratings here.

Please copy and paste these links to your clan forum.

Browsing as a Guest.
Logon to access more features

Your IP:
Event Staff
Game Director(s)
Game Moderator(s)
Top Overall Clubs
100.00 - -=DE=-
0.00 - {NJO}
0.00 - :]LoneR[:
0.00 - eX_
0.00 - DTS
Top Overall Players
70.93 - chilly
67.31 - Nirvash
49.66 - Exiled
42.47 - Trooper
37.95 - AkinHead
Top Overall Clubs
4163.60 - DS
2153.57 - -(DW)-
1862.41 - TAW
1796.05 - {MotR}
1688.60 - RagE
Top Club Awards
  [66] DS
[40] -(DW)-
[33] RagE
[29] {MotR}
[28] TAW
Top Overall Players
1759.78 - RagE_Visualizer
1669.72 - -(DW)-Krayt88
1648.70 - Anakin
1525.27 - BobaFett
1466.57 - -(DW)-Wasp
Top Player Awards
  [17] RagE_Visualizer
[17] -(DW)-Wasp
[17] Anakin
[15] Adema
[14] (-DR-)Jimmy
Top Member Plus Points
  [45] Mandalore
[33] -(DW)-Wasp
[27] =FS= Cleric Sam
[25] Razor
[18] Locutus
[14] TheDarkOne
[12] TAW_Krenny
[9] RagE_Visualizer
[8] Dan
[7] DS_Drummer
[7] SirSie