Ecliptical Realms Online Gaming Statistical Community
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Overall Club Ratings:
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Rank Rating Club Tag Club Name
14163.60DSDefenders of Sovereignty
22153.57-(DW)-Dragon Warriors
31862.41TAWThe Art Of Warfare
41796.05{MotR}Mercenaries of the Republic
51688.60RagERagE MultiGaming Clan
61654.96-=DE=-Dark Entity
71354.59B.U.R.N_Burn clan
81339.14[SFI]Star Fleet Intelligence
10929.14=FS=Forces of Solidarity
11917.25TRThe Resistance
13770.86RSRebel Squadrons
15595.65<}sr{>Soul Reapers
16584.88[GT]Gametoast Modders
17576.72ASFAlpha Strike Force
18552.16XLr8//XLr8d Gaming
19503.03!!BOSS!!Barbaric OverLords Systematic Savagery
20446.67[SL]Shattered Legions
22416.44-MyrmidoN-The Myrmidon
23411.34-=MoC=-Ministry of Chaos
24411.00[TWNZ][TWNZ] Tangata Whenua New Zealand
25406.54=TF=Team Frag

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Your IP:
Top Overall Clubs
4163.60 - DS
2153.57 - -(DW)-
1862.41 - TAW
1796.05 - {MotR}
1688.60 - RagE
Top Club Awards
  [66] DS
[40] -(DW)-
[33] RagE
[29] {MotR}
[28] TAW
Top Overall Players
1759.78 - RagE_Visualizer
1669.72 - -(DW)-Krayt88
1648.70 - Anakin
1525.27 - BobaFett
1466.57 - -(DW)-Wasp
Top Player Awards
  [17] RagE_Visualizer
[17] -(DW)-Wasp
[17] Anakin
[15] Adema
[14] (-DR-)Jimmy
Top Member Plus Points
  [45] Mandalore
[33] -(DW)-Wasp
[27] =FS= Cleric Sam
[25] Razor
[18] Locutus
[14] TheDarkOne
[12] TAW_Krenny
[9] RagE_Visualizer
[8] Dan
[7] DS_Drummer
[7] SirSie