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-(DW)- recruiting [30/12/2007]
News Update by: -(DW)-Reb Jaxra

The Dragon Warriors are currently recruiting people for the following games SWBF1&2, EAW, JA, GBG and RC.

We have our own dedicated servers for SWBF1&2 and JA.
We also play in the ER,EGN and various other tournaments.

All you need to do is fill out an application at, post your xfire name on the forums and get playing on our servers and let the fun begin :D

If you need any help or have any questions then my xfire is rebjaxra, alternatively you can email me on

Cheers and lock and load!

EaW xfire clan group [30/12/2007]
News Update by: TR_yankeefan05

With the new xfire clan group increase and players allowed and the increase of allowed clans/guilds to be a member in, can I request that EaW ER makes a section for participating EAW ER members. This could make it more convenient to find players due to the large EaW rosters of DS and DR when probably most of them on the roster wont be playing.And also we cant use TS since it seems to be down right now.Thanks

I have made a decision [29/12/2007]
News Update by: Maelstrom

I'm going to shut the site down probably tomorrow night December 30. This Teamspeak issue has been the final straw with me. It's one thing when mods are not doing their job but to outright lie to me is another thing. I apologize about this late notice but I have no time for ER anymore. However, "IF" I do get time in the future and I get rekindled to want to do this again, I will think about reopening.

Thanks for all your hard work, arramus and bprendy! It's been a pleasure working with you guys!

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Event Staff
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Miscellaneous Games
Top Overall Clubs
Miscellaneous Games
Top Overall Players
Top Overall Clubs
4163.60 - DS
2153.57 - -(DW)-
1862.41 - TAW
1796.05 - {MotR}
1688.60 - RagE
Top Club Awards
  [66] DS
[40] -(DW)-
[33] RagE
[29] {MotR}
[28] TAW
Top Overall Players
1759.78 - RagE_Visualizer
1669.72 - -(DW)-Krayt88
1648.70 - Anakin
1525.27 - BobaFett
1466.57 - -(DW)-Wasp
Top Player Awards
  [17] RagE_Visualizer
[17] -(DW)-Wasp
[17] Anakin
[15] Adema
[14] (-DR-)Jimmy
Top Member Plus Points
  [45] Mandalore
[33] -(DW)-Wasp
[27] =FS= Cleric Sam
[25] Razor
[18] Locutus
[14] TheDarkOne
[12] TAW_Krenny
[9] RagE_Visualizer
[8] Dan
[7] DS_Drummer
[7] SirSie