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Game & Battle Discussion
Host Server Setup Picture Tutorial
 Maelstrom Last Activity 2007-12-21 10:18 PM
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Alma's Shoe Cleaner
Posts: 1135

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Subject : Host Server Setup Picture Tutorial
Posted : 2007-05-12 10:06 AM
Post #15199

This tutorial explains how to setup a host server from your PC.

3. Host Setup and Configuration

Hosting will require a good connection to ensure stability. Please take this into account when selecting a host for your club. Host crashes caused by instability will result in a host forfeit.

Host Server Settings
Set up your Halo game server as follows:

Select Multiplayer

Select Edit Gametypes

Select Create New

Call it ER Event and Enter to accept

Under Multiplayer Gametype.
1. Change Name - Do not touch this setting.
2. Select Game Options

a) Select Slayer

Set the following options as follows and hit OK:
b) Death Bonus: NO
c) Kill in Order: NO
d) Kill Penalty: NO
e) Kills to Win: 50
f) Team Play: YES
g) Time Limit: NONE

3. Select Player Options

Set the following options as follows and hit OK:
a) Number of lives: 5 (Halo has a limited scoring setup and we need to use the elimination score to ensure all battles regardless of size have equal scoring per player.
b) Maximum Health: As per negotiations
c) Shields: As per negotiations
d) Respawn Time: INSTANT
e) Respawn Time Growth: NONE
f) Odd Man Out: NO
g) Invisible Players: NO
h) Suicide Penalty: NONE

4. Select Item Options

Set the following options as follows and hit OK:
a) Infinate Grenades: As per negotiation
b) Weapon Set: As per negotiation
c) Starting Equipment: As per negotiation

5. Select Item Options

Set the following options as follows and hit OK:
a) Vehicle Respawn Time: As per negotiation
b) All vehicles settings as per negotation. Ensure you apply exactly the same settings for both red and blue team.

6. Select Indicator Options

Set the following options as follows and hit OK:
a) Objectives Indicator: MOTION TRACKER
b) Other Players on Radar: FRIENDS
c) Friends Indicators on Screen: YES

7. Select Teamplay Options

Set the following options as follows and hit OK:
a) Friendly Fire: ON
b) Friendly Fire Penalty: NONE
c) Auto Team Balance: NO

8. Now hit OK

And your new Gametype with all those settings will be saved for future use.

Running Host Server
Run your server as follows.
1. From the main screen select Multiplayer > Create Game - Internet or LAN
2. Select Map
3. Select Custom > ER Event as gametype
4. Server Name: RW# - (club tag vs club tag)
5. Password: As per negotiation
6. Connection Type: As per your connection type
7. Max Players: As per competitors and connection allowance
8. Server IP: You can't change this. If you're setting up a LAN server then give this number to all competing Players.
Once all this is done you can Start Game.

You can make changes to the game settings in game by hitting your escape button. The most important settings for the host are Restart Game and New Game. Restart Game does just that while New Game allows you to select a new map. Remember to select the Custom Gametype ER Event.

Halo doesn't support its own screenshot function. Use fraps, Print Screen or some other method once the final results are displayed.

[Edited by arramus on 2007-05-12 10:21 AM]

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Posts: 75

Joined: 2007-04-24
Location: Colorado, USA

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Subject : RE: Host Server Setup Picture Tutorial
Posted : 2007-05-15 10:25 AM
Post #15304 - In reply to #15199


This is great! Thanks for providing it. What about similar directions for setting up PC-Dedicated server? I offer mine to help with event.

Let me know. Thanks!!
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Alma's Shoe Cleaner
Posts: 1135

Joined: 2005-05-16

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Subject : RE: Host Server Setup Picture Tutorial
Posted : 2007-05-17 11:12 PM
Post #15348 - In reply to #15199

Thanks. Well!

For making a PC dedicated server you first need to get the dedicated server files and also have the retail copy of Halo installed as the dedicated server needs to access your save games folder to look for the ER Event gametype you made.

Here's the MS site with links to the things you'll need.

Towards the end of the page is the Dedicated Server/Maps area. You'll need a copy of DEDICATED SERVER v1.02 and also DEDICATED SERVER UPDATE v1.07.

If you are running this server without wanting to install Halo then you'll also need the maps - DEDICATED SERVER MAPS.

First install DEDICATED SERVER v1.02 (Halo_DS_1_02.exe) and then to complete the installation you'll need to replace the old haloded.exe file with the new DEDICATED SERVER UPDATE v1.07 haloded.exe file.

The Halo Server is installed here and this is where you replace the haloded.exe file:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Server

This is all there is to installing and updating the dedicated server application.

Now you need to configure it. Halo servers need a init.txt file with a list of commands to run the server how you like. There's a Readme file within the main server folder but here's a sample you can use for your own rotation.

sv_name RW1_Clan_vs_Clan
sv_public True
sv_maxplayers 16
sv_mapcycle_timeout 10
sv_password ringers1

sv_mapcycle_add wizard "ER Event"
sv_mapcycle_add longest "ER Event"
sv_mapcycle_add timberland "ER Event"

As long as you've made your ER Event gametype the Halo server will look in the saved games area in the regular Halo install and run the map using that setup.
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