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Game & Battle Discussion
Battlefield 2142
so is this dead????
 Maelstrom Last Activity 2007-12-23 4:32 PM
2 replies, 707 viewings

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Elite Veteran
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Location: Las Vegas USA

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Subject : so is this dead????
Posted : 2007-12-19 9:24 PM
Post #22040

Err no matches, no post....Is it safe to assume that BF2142 will no longer be played..if so let us know so we can start ladders please..
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Location: New York City

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Subject : RE: so is this dead????
Posted : 2007-12-22 5:05 PM
Post #22073 - In reply to #22040

Looks like it. Every1 gave it a good run. Too bad things have to end.
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Elite Veteran
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Subject : RE: so is this dead????
Posted : 2007-12-23 4:32 PM
Post #22082 - In reply to #22040

meh..thats great..well theer are still ladders available on other sites...if anyone is interested in doing a team with me and CM let me know..
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