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Star Wars: Republic Commando
Pain in the @$$
 Maelstrom Last Activity 2007-12-30 4:12 AM
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Posts: 103

Joined: 2005-12-17

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Subject : Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-08 9:29 PM
Post #21898

ER events are starting to stress me out more and more. It is also stressing out many other "top-of-the-line" players as well. The thing that "we" all have to deal with is "stacked rosters" People Just turn down matches because teams are "stacked" I just don't think that is fair to do that. If you have your best people on your going to play them. It's that simple. When no one will play you because your team cannot be beaten it is quite annoying.

I would just like to hear people's thoughts and feelings on the subject.

I was thinking it over and I came up with this -

1. A new rule - People would go and set up matches on xfire and when matches are set up "naming your roster" is not permitted. If you want to play a match you have to play against the person you are talking to + his additional teamates. The MOMENT ONE PERSON from the opposing clan enters the agreed server there is NO BACKING OUT.

I feel that this rule could be reworded and changed up a bit but I just wanted to hear people's thoughts because I am becoming awfully sick of it.

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Subject : RE: Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-08 10:41 PM
Post #21899 - In reply to #21898

*coughs* Ussbig *coughs*

This is what happened to me

He said I was selling out my teammates because he asked for a 3v3 and I got Lebron (since toast didn't wanna play) And I got Madcat since me and him were doing very well.

He asked for my roster I said it and then he started calling me a jerk ect. because I was "selling out my teammates" even though nobody from MotR wanted to play. Just saying Flash I feel where your coming from.
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Subject : RE: Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-08 11:44 PM
Post #21902 - In reply to #21898

That has nothing to with what flash is saying creed you downsyndrome retard.

what flash is saying is that when you have good players in a game, theyre gunna move on unless people give them a good run at tournament matches, the reason this is happening so frequently is that the people are scared of losing an online game..............................................................................................................................................................

the good players don't get a chance to play, so they move on to other games...therefore there is hardly any great players left, just a bunch of children who can't organise a match to save their life because the players are to hard.

my point: Don't Fail At Online Games, Play hard matches, it's how you get better.

ps: I WIN!
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Subject : RE: Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-09 1:42 AM
Post #21903 - In reply to #21898

Alright, I understand what you are saying about good players, not playing good enough matches. However, people should try to have fun at it as well, even though the person may be an ub3®n00b, or you can easily pwn another.

And pistol, please refrain from calling Creed, or anyone for that matter, a "downsyndrome retard", symply for misunderstanding the meaning of something.
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Subject : RE: Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-09 2:26 AM
Post #21904 - In reply to #21898

it's a continuation of a fight earlier, i apologise for bringing it to the forums, but he has deleted me from xfire >.<
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-]RC[-Young Link

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Subject : RE: Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-09 6:14 AM
Post #21905 - In reply to #21898

The rules are fine, just leave them be.

If it really was an important matter, I'm sure the case would of come up closer towards the start of these events.
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Subject : RE: Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-09 8:46 AM
Post #21907 - In reply to #21898

Actually Pistol, Creed is correct in his statement.

I find FS doing in the most. But because they are leading in Mod's the rules probably wont change... (no offense)
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=FS= bprendy

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Subject : RE: Pain in the @$$
Posted : 2007-12-09 9:51 AM
Post #21908 - In reply to #21898

Thats funny flash since FS has more players than any clan which have been blackballed from RC and no longer play the game... From what I've heard that is not the case infact they seem to be on the receiving end... Oh well time for you to start another petition..

[Edited by =FS= bprendy on 2007-12-09 9:52 AM]

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