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Command & Conquer 3 - Weekend Domination

Call of Duty 2: Rules -Format Game: Call of Duty 2 Game Version: 1.3 GameType: Search and Destroy (S&D) Time per round: 3min Number of Maps: As many as decided by both Teams before match starts. Rounds per map: 20 (Total, 10 as each side) Rounds per side: 10 Number of Teams: 2 Players per Team: 1v1 upto 9v9 Mod(s): None -Settings Auto Assign: Off Grenade Indicators: On Death Icons: Off Objective Icons: On Hit Blip: Off Enemy X-Hair Color: Off Shellshock: On Friendly Fire: On (Fully, No Exceptions) Grenade Limit: 1 Smoke Grenade Limit: 1 Shotgun limit: 0 Sniper Limit: 2 per side Bomb Timer: 60 sec -How you win: Each side (Axis and Allies)played is counted as 1 match,so each map played will consist of 2 matches. -Team Size: 1v1 upto 8v8. Teams may play with more players provided it is agreed upon by both Match setters prior to the match starting.Substitutes can be used on the changeover of sides,but must be agreed upon before the matches start. -Qualified Servers: Servers must be able to host at least 16 players. All servers must have Punkbuster running. Gameplay Rules: 1. All gamers can meet in either Ecliptical Realms Battle Room, X-Fire, Ventrilio, or Clubs TeamSpeak servers. These are used to setup and coordinate matches. 2. All Squads/Clans Must be Registered with Ecliptical Realms (ER): . Club commanders (Captains) must have all participating members registered with ER and affiliated with their Club including the Captain approving themselves. 3. All players must be affiliated with a ER registered Squad/Clan and each player must also be registered at ER: 4. Squad/Clan and Player Membership should be verified prior to each Battle event. 5. Must agree on maps before Battle start. Each Team Must play both sides (Allies and Axis) or forfeit will result. 6. Each team will host one side of the map decided; unless both teams agreed prior to start of the Battle. 7. Game play authorized (team configuration) can be 1 verses 1 up to 8 verses 8. No uneven games will be permitted/authorized or reported. 8. Maps and sides will be agreed upon prior to game host launching game. 9. Host – Loads only the Map(s) agreed on. · Each Team Plays both Sides(Axis and Allies of the map for the Game to qualify as completed Battle. Each Side result will be reported as individual games played. 10. Starting the match- The round will start if there is one player on each team. When you join the server, DO NOT JOIN A TEAM! Join as a spectator until everyone is in the game. Once everyone is in, confirm that both teams are ready and then join your repected team. Once you have joined, the first round will start and the match will begin. 11. All participants are responsible for taking screenshots of Scores/recording Kills, Deaths for both teams (sides). This is very valuable in the case of a dispute. Disputed matches where there are no screenshots for proof will be deleted. (Reporter(s) are responsible for assigning the correct point values to kills, deaths, and winning team as described in the event information.) 11. Winning teams will report Battle Results of the two games played unless agreed upon by other parties in the match. Games Reported are to be reported at: 12.All clan members must make a demo of all there matches and keep them for upto one week after the event. Player Disconnects Durning Game Event!!!! If player(s) drop prior to either team reaching round 1, the match must be restarted. Any drops occuring after Round 1 must continue until the match is completed. If a player disconnects from the game after round 1, it will be the players responsibility to reconnect to the game as fast as possible. Even though all points are lost when disconnects occur; players returning will contribute to their team score. If the player does not return this person will still be recorded when game results are submitted, with all Zeros (0s). Unless the Host Game Crashes, game will continue to the end.

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Weekend Domination
Top Overall Clubs
Weekend Domination
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Command & Conquer 3
Top Overall Clubs
154.00 - BK
100.00 - (-DR-)
64.00 - EuG
47.45 - Chaos
24.00 - [SFI]
Command & Conquer 3
Top Overall Players
100.00 - MattHead
80.00 - MeowMeow
76.00 - Maelstrom
64.00 - Agge
43.92 - Asuka
Top Overall Clubs
4163.60 - DS
2153.57 - -(DW)-
1862.41 - TAW
1796.05 - {MotR}
1688.60 - RagE
Top Club Awards
  [66] DS
[40] -(DW)-
[33] RagE
[29] {MotR}
[28] TAW
Top Overall Players
1759.78 - RagE_Visualizer
1669.72 - -(DW)-Krayt88
1648.70 - Anakin
1525.27 - BobaFett
1466.57 - -(DW)-Wasp
Top Player Awards
  [17] RagE_Visualizer
[17] -(DW)-Wasp
[17] Anakin
[15] Adema
[14] (-DR-)Jimmy
Top Member Plus Points
  [45] Mandalore
[33] -(DW)-Wasp
[27] =FS= Cleric Sam
[25] Razor
[18] Locutus
[14] TheDarkOne
[12] TAW_Krenny
[9] RagE_Visualizer
[8] Dan
[7] DS_Drummer
[7] SirSie